Alia - New Waste Management Tags for Fee

New Waste Management Tags for Fee


Alia Servizi Ambientali SpA is the large environmental services management company of Central Tuscany and is today among the most important utilities in the country. Among the first companies operating in the waste sector is established as the fifth player at national level, by turnover, inhabitants served and amount of waste collected. Their organization is among the most functional and well managed, thanks to the innovative technologies they have adopted for years. The company performs the service in 49 municipalities, for a catchment area of about 1,500,000 inhabitants, collects each year about 823 thousand tons of waste, has a workforce of over 1,800 employees, with about 1,000 vehicles service and estimated annual turnover for 2017 at €225 million.

The request

Among the many projects that characterize the deeply innovative trend of this reality of services a wide and deep activity of modernization of the system of Withdrawal Door to Door (DtD) with the effectiveness of the Tariff Fee, which will replace the current Waste Tax (TARI), as a tool to cover the cost of managing the municipal waste cycle. Change, which involves measuring the amount differentiated waste and non-differentiable residue, need of an important technological architecture to consolidate and provide the results of efficiency and environmental improvement proposed by Alia. But how to achieve this change in technological products? Evidently traceability is an element essential of the entire architecture.

The Solution

The heart of the plan is the change of the separate collection system, to improve its quality and quantity, increasingly approaching the realization of a circular economy, with the use of intelligent waste management is the TAG. To allow the detection of the contributions of waste of thousands of users Alia, the DtD containers are equipped with new reading devices, which allow users to associate the amount of waste delivered. The adhesive TAGS are applied on all the containers held by the user. The user himself, a real revolution if we want in the relationship with citizenship placed as the protagonist of this process of change and not only user passive - receive the TAG together with the detailed instruction for the correct application. A real Kit to Rfid available through the dedicated APP of Alia.

The results

Generale Sistemi srl has obtained the assignment of dedicated supplier of the TAG following a selection path that has offer the best guarantees of success at the best conditions necessary for the customer, in addition to being a of the few companies specialized in Traceability with direct experience of Economic Circular and Green Economy. An important supply that, was activated in a first phase in 2022, for a total commitment of several hundred thousands of tags, all customized by type of container and pre-programmed. The experience in the product, has allowed Generale Sistemi to confirm its ability to respond to needs customers with national diffusion providing complete solutions. Tagitalia boasts on this massive supply of Rfid devices a particular attention to aspects of graphics, layout and ergonomics of the Tag that must be absolutely evaluated with the utmost attention given the involvement of extremely numerous end users and heterogeneous. "None of these UHF cards has been left to chance, from performance and quality of materials to simple but important measures such as the proposal of a useful tab to remove in a simple and error-proof adhesive film," said Manager Deltodesco. "Our mission is to ensure the Multiutilities like Alia that the support of TagItalia is that of a reality with the experience needed to provide comprehensive and error-proof solutions so that it can focus on aspects upstream of these complex projects", adds Simone Melani, Marketing Manager.

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